Nam Mê draws inspiration from the iconic movie L'Amant, which tells the poignant story of a forbidden love affair between a young French girl and a wealthy man. The movie captures the contrasting worlds of its protagonists, weaving together themes of love, longing, and cultural tensions. The Mekong Delta is not just a setting but a symbol of their love's origin, a place where their worlds collide.
The creative process for Nam Mê's menu began with extensive research into the cultural and culinary heritage of the Mekong Delta. The aim was to create not just a list of dishes, but a journey that reflects the rich traditions and flavors of the region.
The design of the menu was conceptualized as a newspaper with stamps, reminiscent of the love letters exchanged in bygone eras. This design choice was inspired by the movie L'Amant. The menu's vintage aesthetic evokes a sense of nostalgia, blending the old-world charm of the Mekong Delta with the timeless romance of the film.
The experience begins with a warm "Welcome on board" greeting, inviting guests to embark on a adventure. The final page of the menu features a thoughtful "How was your trip?" message, inviting guests to reflect on their dining experience their. This closing note reinforces the journey-like experience, making diners feel as though they have traveled through the heart of the Mekong Delta.